Oakland zoo is taking action for


taking action for


ARCAS Guatemala*16.917545*-89.890126*ARCAS serves as a rescue center to care for and rehabilitate wild animals that are being confiscated on the black market by the Guatemalan government, while also participating in other conservation, education, and sustainability efforts. *arcas*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/60cbaa6e7e72e9689c7d2c4f_partner-logo-arcas-guatemala.jpg
Animals Asia*21.021487*105.844258*Animals Asia is devoted to ending bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals across Asia.*animals-asia*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/60cbaa3061420661622ef1db_partner-logo-animals-asia.jpg
Glacier National Park Conservancy*48.25804689661959*-113.57235122552379*In Glacier National Park, the mighty grizzly bear travels through the landscape, alone or with cubs, foraging for food, searching for mates, and seeking new territories. These threatened bears, along with pumas, mountain goats, and others, need protected wildlife corridors to successfully pass under the busy roads of this popular national park. GNP is dedicated to the conservation of the grizzly bears that call this park their home, and aims to find solutions through scientific research and action. *glacier-national-park-conservancy*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5ff77c6ed91e8fea2075aa1a_Glacier%20National%20Park%20Conservancy.jpg
BACAT - Bay Area Cougar Action Team*37.750171*-122.146296*The BayArea Cougar Action Team (BACAT) is an alliance of organizations that work together to ensure a safe future for Bay Area mountain lions (AKA cougars or pumas). *bacat-bay-area-cougar-action-team*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5c70456db32096ec6d504122_BACAT_RGB_horizontal_logo.jpg
California Wolf Center/Working Circle Range Stewards*33.032413*-116.545855*California Wolf Center is a non-profit organization working to foster unity among various communities through conservation, education, and research to ensure wolves, livestock, and humans thrive together in the modern world.*california-wolf-center-2*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5c19405e1fc11f3697c167ab_CA%20Wolf%20Center%20New%20Logo.png
WCS Tiger Conservation Project *40.850321*-73.87859*Wildlife Conservation Society works hard to increase tiger populations by protecting habitat, conducting research to help inform conservation strategies, reducing human-tiger conflict, and promoting tiger-friendly policies.*wcs-tiger-conservation-project-2*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5bfda30946939a1a366cab68_Tiger%20WCS.jpg
Pinnacles Foundation*36.488421*-121.151353*Pinnacles National Park Foundation serves as the only NPS unit that manages a release site for captive bred California condors and currently co-manages 86 wild condors in central California with Ventana Wildlife Society.*pinnacles-foundation*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5bcdf41f1cec036ce1818742_PNPF%20logo%202017-Vert%20Clr.jpg
Lion Recovery Fund*-0.167746*30.019550*The Lion Recovery Fund was created by the Wildlife Conservation Network, in partnership with the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation to double the number of lions in Africa, regaining those lions lost over the past 25 years. Oakland Zoo partners with this project on their Lion Alliance for Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda. *lion-recovery-fund*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5bca279da05b0da21fada204_Lion%20Recovery%20Fund.jpg
Kaminando*9.347879*-79.252071*Working to create lasting solutions for jaguar conservation by acquiring scientific knowledge, community outreach, and empowering residents to participate in the most urgent conservation challenges threatening our flagship species.*kaminando*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5bca24e30be4e55b329ca49d_kaminando-300x300.png
Western Pond Turtle*38.881467*-122.786051*Oakland Zoo, in partnership with the San Francisco Zoo and Sonoma State University, work to support CA's only native freshwater turtle through a head-starting program which collects, raises, and releases turtles for a better chance of survival and success.*western-pond-turtle*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365a3ac290d1048e29431a_image-western-pond-turtle%20icon.jpg
WCS Tiger Conservation Project*40.850321 *-73.87859*Wildlife Conservation Society works hard to increase tiger populations by protecting habitat, conducting research to help inform conservation strategies, reducing human-tiger conflict, and promoting tiger-friendly policies.*wcs-tiger-conservation-project*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365b1a7a45ff6d41fef302_icon.jpg
Ventana Wildlife Society*36.285473*-121.842255*Ventana Wildlife Society is committed to conserving native wildlife and their habitats, and is an active support in the CA Condor recovery program through treatment of lead poisoned birds, radio tracking and monitoring, captive breeding, and public education.*ventana-wildlife-society*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b33e99a66fa841f71f2fab2_logo-ventana-wildlife-society.jpg
Uganda Carnivore Program*0.087792*30.043945*The Uganda Carnivore Program is dedicated to the research and conservation of lions, leopards and hyenas while working closely with the local communities to improve human-wildlife coexistence.*uganda-carnivore-program*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365bd217af748a91ea5c1f_icon.jpg
The Marine Mammal Center*37.835186*-122.531218*The Marine Mammal Center is a rescue and rehabilitation hospital that cares for sick, injured and orphaned marine mammals, and aims to inspire marine life conservation and nurture ocean stewardship through animal care work, research, and education.*the-marine-mammal-center*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b33e9839fe435396ef91ae9_logo-marine-mammal-center.jpg
Seafood Watch Program*36.61769*-121.901226*The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program helps consumers and businesses choose seafood that's fished or farmed in ways that support a healthy ocean, now and for future generations.*seafood-watch-program*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365d0717af7462fcea5c2b_icon.jpg
Save Nature.org*37.757871*-122.393896*Save Nature.org is committed to inspiring participation and awareness in the preservation of fragile ecosystems by providing opportunities for personal direct action through adoption programs, conservation meters and insect discovery labs.*save-nature-org*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365d86c290d10857294337_icon.jpg
Roots and Shoots*38.926222*-77.245184*The Roots & Shoots program is an international organization founded by Dr. Jane Goodall to promote conservation leadership and action among young people, connecting youth of all ages who share a common desire to help make our world a better place.*roots-and-shoots*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365e06555a7760768a3a06_icon.jpg
Proyecto Tití (Columbia)*11.009758*-74.800828*Proyecto Tití is a multidisciplinary program that works to study cotton-top tamarins in the wild, educates local communities about the need to protect Colombia's biodiversity, and finds ways to make conservation empowering and economically feasible for local people. *proyecto-titi-columbia*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365f3250d9fd06892c6d9a_icon.jpg
Project Golden Frog (Panama)*8.60358*-80.1287*Project Golden Frog is working to ensure the survival of this charismatic species through scientific field studies, education, and captive management, using the golden frog as a model flagship species for amphibian decline issues worldwide.*project-golden-frog-panama*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b365f9350d9fdad1d2c6d9e_icon.jpg
Performing Animal Wildlife Sanctuary*38.192312*-120.691547*PAWS has been at the forefront of efforts to rescue and provide appropriate, humane sanctuary for animals who have been the victims of the exotic and performing animal trades, while investigating and documenting reports of abuse.*performing-animal-wildlife-sanctuary-paws*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/60ccbb8c291fcdd4e406ed39_partner-logo-paws.jpg
People and Carnivores*45.679028*-111.035420*People and Carnivores is dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring predators like the grizzly bear and their habitats through public awareness, sound ecological monitoring techniques with a deep understanding of social and political patterns.*people-and-carnivores*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b33e9699fe4354760f91ad8_logo-people-and-carnivores.jpg
Lubee Bat Conservancy*29.826101*-82.340914*Lubee Bat Conservancy is an international non-profit organization working with others to save fruit and nectar bats and their rain forest habitats through conservation, research and education, with a focus on community engagement. *lubee-bat-conservancy*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b36630db128b36a13f56615_icon.jpg
New Nature Foundation*0.487515*30.388994*New Nature Foundation's has been working to protect Kibale National Park in Uganda from encroachment and deforestation, and to improve the relationship between the National Park and the local people by facilitating energy stability in surrounding villages.*kibale-fuel-wood-project-uganda*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b366405cadf5f56bbb3f889_icon.jpg
Iinnii (Bison) Initiative*48.559518*-113.014117*The Iinnii Initiative is developing a new vision for conservation of the wildlands along the Rocky Mountain Front, sustaining Blackfeet culture and its unique connection with bison, and creating a homeland for iinnii (bison, or buffalo).*iinnii-bison-initiative*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b3664eb872b11523bac6f60_icon.JPG
Hornbill Nest Project (Thailand)*13.765086*100.526273*The Hornbill Nest Project works with rural communities in southern Thailand to protect hornbills from poaching and deforestation. By providing an income and employing villagers as nest guardians, valuable research is collected and nests are protected.*hornbill-nest-project-thailand*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b366587bcf2d93e1fda70fa_icon.jpg
Golden Gate Bird Alliance*37.860050*-122.289490*The Golden Gate Bird Alliance, local chapter of the National Audubon, is dedicated to preserving native birds and other wildlife in the SF Bay Area through advocacy of bird safe buildings, research, and education outreach.*golden-gate-audubon-society*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/65a1b35b8650a288ac687e85_GGBA%20Logo.jpeg
Ewaso Lions (Kenya)*0.648861*37.361368*Ewaso Lions' strategy for the success of lion conservation is to promote coexistence between people and wildlife. The project provides education and helps build local capacity for wildlife rangers and community leaders.*ewaso-lions-kenya*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b3665d610366e6dc64af7b5_icon.jpg
Centre ValBio*-21.253836*47.421937*Centre ValBio works to protect Madagascar’s unique and biologically diverse ecosystems through conservation science, research, education outreach, and sustainable development projects that directly benefit the local people.*centre-valbio*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b36662dd4a94674f825e76d_icon.jpg
Budongo Snare Removal Project*1.690056*31.714917*The Budongo Snare Removal Project in Uganda protects chimpanzees and other wildlife impacted by snares used for the poaching of bushmeat by locating and removing these traps, while providing an alternative source of income to locals sworn to discontinue poaching.*budongo-snare-removal-project-uganda*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b366b4efc1b9e208a199b80_icon.jpg
Bay Area Puma Project*37.901839*-122.510611*The Bay Area Puma Project provides research and insight into the local puma population enabling us to develop new conservation and land use strategies to minimize human-puma conflict, and foster a healthy co-existence in the region.*bay-area-puma-project*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b33e9149fe435aa8ef91aae_logo-bapp.jpg
BEAR League*39.092597*-120.164199*The BEAR League works holistically with the community to solve many of the challenges that put bears at risk through education, implementation of nonlethal aversion methods, and inspiration for policy changes at the state and local levels.*b-e-a-r-league*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b366d7f275101385533ff37_icon.png
ARCAS (Guatemala)*16.917545*-89.890126*ARCAS serves as a rescue center to care for and rehabilitate wild animals that are being confiscated on the black market by the Guatemalan government, while also participating in other conservation, education, and sustainability efforts. *arcas-guatemala*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b366ec9b128b3e91ff5666a_icon.jpg
Animals Asia (China)*21.021487*105.844258*Animals Asia is devoted to ending the barbaric practice of bear bile farming and improving the welfare of animals in China and Vietnam by working with — not against — people to find sustainable solutions for all parties. *animals-asia-china*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/60c783ebe39cde43d84d64a7_AnimalsAsia.png
Amboseli Trust for Elephants (Kenya)*-2.467634*39.51835*The Amboseli Trust for Elephants is the longest running African elephant field research project in the world, providing integral, comprehensive long-term research to create realistic solutions to help eliminate the ivory trade. *amboseli-trust-for-elephants-kenya*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b366fcacadf5fa747b3f8be_icon.jpg
Africa Matters (Zimbabwe)*-20.47218*29.74722*Africa Matters promotes wildlife conservation by encouraging the interaction of artists, teachers and scientists, providing direct financial assistance from sustainable artistic products and supporting students through scholarships. *africa-matters-zimbabwe*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b367009cadf5f4285b3f8c1_icon.jpg
96 Elephants*40.5743*-73.975778*96 Elephants brings together world citizens, partners, thought leaders, and change makers to leverage collective influence to stop the killing, stop the trafficking, and stop the demand for ivory.*96-elephants*https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/5adf752e38b7222e27f146ee/5b367073b128b33080f56681_icon.jpg

We're committed to species conservation, here and everywhere.

Oakland Zoo's Conservation Strategic Plan
Local ActionGlobal ActionCommunity Action

Explore wildlife rescue and recovery efforts at Oakland Zoo.

a group of vets helping out a condor.

CA Condors

Oakland Zoo provides onsite medical care, including lead chelation therapy, to wild condors that are deemed ill or injured by field biologists.

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a mountain lion cub being cared for

CA Mountain Lions

Oakland Zoo provides state-of-the-art wildlife veterinary care for sick, injured, burned, or orphaned wild mountain lions through a long-standing partnership with California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

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two herons in a tree.

Heron Rescue Project

Oakland Zoo is committed to ensuring our official city birds get the help they need to thrive in their urban living environments.

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a frog in the grass.

Native Yellow-Legged Frogs

Oakland Zoo is committed to mitigating the disastrous effects of the chytridiomycosis pandemic affecting amphibians all over the world, and educating the public about this crisis.

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a Riparian Brush Rabbit in the wild.

Riparian Brush Rabbits

Oakland Zoo is committed to playing a critical role in a multi-agency effort to prevent the possible extinction of the Riparian Brush rabbit.

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a line of small turtles near a pond.

Western Pond Turtles

Oakland Zoo is committed to providing stable environments for western pond turtles before releasing them back into the wild; stronger, healthier, and ready to thrive.

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Explore global wildlife conservation efforts for our 15 key species.

a lioness teaching its 4 cubs.

African Lions

Oakland Zoo is committed to lion conservation through the collaboration and leadership of local people who live among predators, allowing people and lions to thrive in their shared habitats.

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a herd of bison grazing.

American Bison

Oakland Zoo is committed to restoring heritage Bison to the landscape of the Blackfoot Confederacy, sustain Blackfeet culture, and create a homeland for this incredible animal.

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A black bear exploring near a river.

Black Bears

Oakland Zoo is committed to a California that understands, respects and co-exists with our native black bears in the Tahoe Basin region and beyond.

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a chimpanzee in the wild.


Oakland Zoo is committed to protecting chimpanzees in Uganda through ongoing action that continues our legacy of dedication to our closest living relative.

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a condor in profile.

California Condors

Oakland Zoo is committed to life-saving medical care that ensures California condors never come close to extinction again.

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A Cotton-Top Tamarin perched on a tree branch.

Cotton-Top Tamarins

Oakland Zoo is committed to the research and vital habit regeneration that provides a thriving home for cotton-top tamarins in the tropical forests of Colombia.

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a herd of African elephants in the savannah

African Elephants

Oakland Zoo is committed to protecting wild elephants by supporting partners who combat poaching and collaborate with communities to co-exist with this iconic, endangered species.

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a family of giraffes on the savannah

Reticulated Giraffes

Oakland Zoo is committed to supporting research efforts that increase the knowledge of reticulated giraffes' biology, ecology, and behavior, leading to the crucial conservation they need.

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a wolf exploring.

Gray Wolves

Oakland Zoo is committed to protecting the return of the gray wolf through innovative solutions to wolf-livestock conflict and collaborative community programs that help people successfully share the landscape with this iconic species.

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two grizzly bears hunting for salmon

Grizzly Bears

Oakland Zoo is committed to helping protect the Grizzly Bears in Glacier National Park through the support of innovative projects that mitigate human-wildlife conflict.

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a jaguar exploring a river


Oakland Zoo envisions a world where jaguars are protected from human threats, and are free to roam their long and green corridor, from Arizona to South America.

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a lemur on a branch.


Oakland Zoo is committed to supporting the research and programs that ensure a thriving future in Madagascar for lemurs and people alike.

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a macaw mid flight.


Oakland Zoo is committed to a future free of illegal wildlife trade, where macaws are protected and all rainforest species thrive.

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a mountain lion overlooking the cliffside.

Mountain Lions

Oakland Zoo is committed to the conservation of mountain lions and to a future in which the people and pumas of the Bay Area coexist and thrive.

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a sun bear lounging on a rock.

Sun Bears

Oakland Zoo is committed to the future of the sun bear through support of their individual rescues and by influencing human behavior change that will protect their precious habitat.

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Explore community conservation efforts.

a chimp in a cage.

End Illegal Wildlife Trade

From conservation fundraising to rescued animal rehabilitation and care, Oakland Zoo is dedicated to combatting illegal wildlife trade and protecting wildlife around the world.

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a squirrel munching away.

Urban Wildlife Study

Oakland Zoo tracks and monitors wildlife across the city of Oakland to help understand how urbanization affects species biodiversity. Sharing animal presence and movement data with local managers and conservation organizations provides valuable information for maintaining biodiversity.

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Quarters in a jar that together grow a lovely green plant

Quarters for Conservation

Oakland Zoo is committed to you becoming part of our conservation vision by dedicating 50 cents of your admission and two dollars of your membership fee to wildlife around the world.

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Wildlife conservation is central to our mission.

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