
Oakland Zoo's Conservation Strategic Plan

March 10, 2025

Holiday Gift Guide 2024

December 10, 2024

Running wild looking for meaningful holiday gifts? Oakland Zoo has you covered! 🎁

Animal Training Is More than Just Tricks - Published in Piedmont Post

October 23, 2024

‘Clever Kingdom’ - Published in Piedmont Post

September 4, 2024

We humans certainly are smart, but we are not the only members of the animal kingdom to possess impressive brainpower! And while we may not see falcons inventing computers or scorpions writing poetry anytime soon, there are some intelligent animals worldwide whose wonderful minds will leave you in awe.

HBO Max's "Chimp Crazy" and the Need to END Private Ownership of Primates

August 20, 2024

HBO Max’s new docuseries "Chimp Crazy" rasies the issue of exploitative private ownership of primates.

Five for Five: Engaging the senses with Nature Journaling—Published in Piedmont Post

July 24, 2024

Anybody, at any age, can be a scientist or an expert observer! Scientists make keen observations to help them understand why things are, the way they are. This leads them to form, and test educated guesses, paving the way for discoveries. It all starts with observation!

Observe Animal Behavior Like a Zoo Scientist! - Published by the Piedmont Post

June 4, 2024

Have you ever wondered what skills you need to work with animals at the Zoo? It takes a lot more than just cleaning up after and feeding the animals. A big part of this work is behavioral observations. Learn how making observations is an important part of being a scientist!

Vaccinating Condors Against HPAI

April 19, 2024

The largest HPAI epizootic event in U.S. history threatens many wild and farm-raised birds, including California Condors. Learn how Oakland Zoo is protecting this iconic endangered bird.

Easter Eggs of Oakland Zoo

March 31, 2024

Do you know these 6 hidden or lesser-known Oakland Zoo treasures?

How Choice Impacts Zoo Guest Experience and Promotes Empathy

February 1, 2024

"Creepy" and "crawly" animals get a bad rap due to due to the long-standing phobias, myths, and superstitions. The Learning & Engagement Department at Oakland Zoo found a way to help children overcome their fear of snakes while developing empathy and promoting wellbeing for all animals.

From Elephants to Chess Pieces
How A Forensics Lab in Sacramento Helps Combat the Illegal Wildlife Trade

January 11, 2024

In September 2023, the Zoo held its second Toss the Tusk event to raise awareness about the devastating effects of the illegal wildlife trade. Over 400 items were relinquished, but what happens to them afterwards?

Journey for a Jaguar

December 26, 2023

Follow along as Oakland Zoo's head veterinarian, Dr. Alex Herman, shares the story of her team's recent travels to help a 10-year old rescued jaguar in the care of our conservation partner, ARCAS, in Guatemala.

2023 Oakland Zoo Holiday Gift Guide

December 14, 2023

The days are counting down, you're rushing to get your holiday shopping finished, don't worry - Oakland Zoo has you covered! We offer a variety of options that won't clutter the house, offer valuable experiences, and support animal conservation.

The Impact of Ambassador Animals: A Tribute to Jenny, The Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo

November 26, 2023

In September, Oakland Zoo lost one of our most beloved ambassador animals, Jenny the Sulphur-crested cockatoo. Sarah Lynn Bowser, our manager for Ambassador Animal Programs and one of Jenny’s closest trainers, shares her experience working with this charismatic bird.

Welcome Baby Giraffe Kendi!

October 19, 2023

Follow in the (very first) footsteps of Kendi, our brand new baby reticulated giraffe.

Where Are They Now? Mountain Lion Cub Rescues

August 9, 2023

Revisit our most memorable mountain lion rescue success stories, and check in with the mountain lions at their current furrever homes.

Happy 50th, Endangered Species Act!

March 8, 2023

Rescued Mountain Lion Kitten Care

October 20, 2022

You've followed the stories of our rescued mountain lions, but what does it actually take to rehabilitate and raise these kittens?

The Centennial Time Capsule

August 11, 2022

Explore some of our favorite moments that chronicle the evolution of Oakland Zoo over the past 100 years.

How to BEAR-ware in Black Bear Country

June 4, 2022

Seeing an American black bear can be a memorable experience, but we need your help to keep bears wild and people safe. Learn from Oakland Zoo's black bears how to be "bear aware" on your next camping trip.

Netflix's "Tiger King" and the Mistreatment of Animals at Roadside Zoos

December 2, 2021

The popular, high-stakes drama distracts the audience from the most crucial point – the animals' inadequate care at roadside zoos.

Illegal Wildlife Trade

November 4, 2020

The exploitation of wild animals as pets, exotic food ingredients, or medicine is ethically wrong, ecologically destructive, a serious threat to wildlife populations, and clearly one of the main causes of zoonotic disease. Oakland Zoo joins the Association of Zoos & Aquariums in taking a strong position on Illegal Wildlife Trade.

Save the Sea Turtles - Say NO to Plastic

October 21, 2020

How can saying NO to plastic save sea turtles in Guatemala? Join Oakland Zoo in taking the #NoToPlastic pledge...animals of all types will thank you for it!

Captain Cal: Road to Recovery

October 12, 2020

Only four to six weeks old, an orphaned mountain lion cub suffering from severe wildfire burns was discovered and rescued by a Cal Fire firefighter in an area the Zogg Wildfire burned through. He was brought to Oakland Zoo’s Veterinary Hospital for treatment and rehabilitation on September 30. Follow along as we do everything we can to nurse this little guy back to health!

Celebrating Elephants: Oakland Zoo and Amboseli

September 22, 2020

Protecting the ever-threatened population of African Elephants takes perseverance and passion. That's why Amboseli Trust for Elephants became Oakland Zoo's very first Conservation Partner....and we've been defending wild elephants ever since.

10 Fun Animal Facts for Latin Heritage Month

September 16, 2020

Each year the U.S celebrates Latin American culture, heritage, and contributions to society September 15th – October 15th. In honor of Latin Heritage Month, here are 10 interesting facts about some of the Latin American animals we have at the zoo!

Taking Action For Wildlife During The California Wildfires

August 24, 2020

With wildfires raging throughout California, we want to share resources for guests and followers looking for ways to help animals threatened by these fires.

Wildlife’s Silver Lining

June 4, 2020

With many people sheltering in place only leaving their house for the essentials, we’ve observed wildlife expanding their territory and returning to places they haven’t been in some time. We can use these observations going forward to influence the decisions we make to protect our wildlife. Have you observed any changes to wildlife in your community or backyard?

Jumoke Zebra

April 19, 2020

We say goodbye to Jumokey, beloved zebra (1996-2020).

Oakland Zoo’s Stance on Cub Petting

April 14, 2020

The popularity of Tiger King on Netflix shines a spotlight on the exotic pet trade, cub petting, and other wild animal attractions. These outdated practices are dangerous to humans and cruel and damaging to individual animals. Tigers, lions and other big cats, as well as bears, are all popular targets of this trade. Now that the public is paying attention, the animal welfare and conservation issue at the heart of this series must be addressed.

You've Been Caught On Candid Camera! - As Published in Piedmont Post January 8th Issue

January 8, 2020

Learn about how the Zoo uses camera traps to monitor wildlife.

Won’t You Be My (Wild) Neighbor? - As Published in Piedmont Post December 4th Issue

December 5, 2019

What a joy to live in one of the most biodiverse states in the country: California, where nature is all around us. We can see migrating birds right at Lake Merritt, or adventure to Big Sur to see the California condor. Whether our home is in an urban setting, or at the human-wildlife intersect, living with wildlife can be both a treasure and a challenge at times. Learn what you can do to coexist with native wildlife.

Our Bats Are Hungry For a Bite

November 1, 2019

Called creepy, scary and spooky, bats often get a bad rap. However, these misunderstood creatures help us in ways you might not typically think.

Bringing Bison Back - As Published in Piedmont Post October 30th Issue

October 30, 2019

The bison population in the United States has gone through fluctuation throughout centuries. Where does Oakland Zoo fit into this Conservation issue?

Letting The "Wild" In Wildlife In - As Published in Piedmont Post September 16th Issue

October 16, 2019

Zoo Camp Builds Young Conservationists - As Published in Piedmont Post October 2nd Issue

September 27, 2019

Caterina Meyers, Director of Education, talks about our future world leaders and their experience at Oakland Zoo and how Zoo Camp has shaped them into young conservationists.

Africa Eco Tours - As Published in Piedmont Post September 18th Issue

September 18, 2019

Read about our conservation programs and partners in Africa and Colleen Kinzley's, Director of Animal Care, experiences in Africa

Helping Black Bears in our Backyard

February 1, 2019

Black bears live in our Bay Area "backyard" and they need our help!

5 Fascinating Facts about the Oakland Zoo Gondola

October 18, 2018

The Gondola here at Oakland Zoo has become an attraction in itself, overlooking multiple counties of the San Francisco Bay area and lifting guests to the newly opened California Trail in style! Here are 5 things you need to know about this sky high adventure.

Poop—"It" Happens

October 9, 2018

Whatever word you use to describe it—poop, scat, dung, and so many more that we’re not going to say—“it” is fascinating and while it might be disgusting, it's also super useful! Here are #8 interesting things you probably didn't know about #2!

Top Selfie Spots at the California Trail

September 6, 2018

If you don't take a selfie at the zoo, did you even go? We've complied the Top 6 Selfie Spots at Oakland Zoo's California Trail for you to try out on your next visit. Happy posting!

Conservation Adventure—Releasing Frogs Back to the Wild

August 21, 2018

In the spirit of inspiring others in Taking Action for Wildlife, Oakland Zoo's Conservation Department invites staffers from other zoo departments to join them on projects in the field. For this frog release, Sean Piverger, who works in the Operations Department, joined the Conservation team. Sean wrote this story of his experience!

I Was an Animal Care Intern!

August 14, 2018

I had an unforgettable experience as an intern. Three days a week for three months, I learned a lot about the animals in my string and the different enrichment and training techniques they use.

20 Things That Turn 20 This Year

July 25, 2018

In honor Luigi, the Indian Muntjac, who turned 20 years old on July 25th, here is a list of 20 other things that also turn 20 this year!

TWGs in South Africa!

July 16, 2018

Few experiences can affect teens as positively as international travel. Oakland Zoo has a history of inspiring teens with trips to exotic locations like Borneo, Guatemala, Peru, and Madagascar. This year, members of our Teen Wild Guide Program (TWGs) are currently on a trip in South Africa!

Taking Action for a Plastic Free July

June 27, 2018

At Oakland Zoo/Conservation Society of California, we aim to take action for wildlife in many ways. One is by continually examining our dependency on single use plastics. Why? Plastics can have a direct negative affect on wildlife. Every year, millions of birds, marine mammals, fish and more are impacted by plastics.

7 Things You've Always Wondered About Giraffes

June 7, 2018

Giraffes are amazingly unique animals, with a lot of interesting features and behaviors. Here are 7 things that you may have always been curious about when seeing these lanky long necks.

Living With Wolves

March 14, 2018

Wild wolves have been a passion of mine since I took a family trip to Alaska in the fourth grade. As a child, my life goal was to be ‘the Jane Goodall of wolves’. I was introduced to California Wolf Center in 2008 when I took a tour of the conservation center in Julian, CA.

Why Can't Mountain Lion Cubs Be Released?

January 19, 2018

Our Vice President of Conservation Amy Gotliffe explains why many of the rescued mountain lions we care for at the hospital can't be rereleased safely back into the wild.